What to say about the Menil..... first of all, who doesn't love going there? Anyone?... if you answered no, then maybe you should re-think your degree plan, cus that place is durkin awesome ( <--- and thats no typo ). Now, I know we had a written and sketching assignment for the Menil, which I enjoyed and some will be posted below just to share a little with everyone; but what I would like to know is what everyone thought about Cy Twambly's scribbles and Tony Smith's "drawings". Leave a comment!
(Writing assignment, question A)---
My favorite piece at the Menil, and will most likely continue to be my favorite, is 1 out of the 3 versions of "The Empire of Lights" by Rene Magritte, located in the surrealism section. I could sit and stare at that painting all day and never get bored. I want to live in that scene. There is something incredibly soothing and relaxing in the contrast between the soft glow of the street lamp masked by the calm night and the perfection in the way he painted the bright clouds in the summer resembling sky. Somehow the contrasting time periods represented together in one scene works so well together and I want to know how he discovered that concept. He makes it look like this scenario is plausible. And to answer the part of the question regarding repetition and rhythm, the painting in fact does exhibit this in the clouds. Also, I know that question "A" asks about our favorite piece but I would just like to take this time to say Cy Twambly and Tony Smith's work is crap. Thank you and have a nice day.
Oh, and does anyone else get instantly depressed when you walk into the Rothko Chapel, or is it just my personal problems? On the other hand, I thought the Byzantine Chapel was amazing!!
yes the Rothko chapel can leave one definitely drooling. you may prefer tony smith's daughter's work because you seem to prefer the less abstract. we'll look at her on Friday, Kiki smith. twombly has grown on me over time; I definitely hate the green painting room.